Archives for posts with tag: api

We’ve been doing the ebook thing for five years now. A veritable flash-in-the-pan for the publishing world. But like dog years, web years fly by at an accelerated rate. Five years is a lifetime in web-years. Five years should really get you fifteen years of street cred.

We’ve learned a lot. About building communities. Running destination sites. Integrating with publishing workflows. Reaching out to third party systems. Pulling content in from other sites. Creating online reading systems. Making people happy. This has all been a valuable, powerful, (sometimes painful) learning experience. But when we sat down and thought about what we really know, we know the most about Social, with a capital “S.” We know what people will and won’t use (which is not to say that we can’t be surprised). We know how baggage from other web communities figures in to people’s expectations for a digital reading system. We know what types of behaviors people bring with them from the print world, and what they really miss when they switch back to it from digital. We know about user experience, and the compromises that sometimes need to made of it in terms of schedule and technology. We know all about user-funnels, stickiness, and a whole host of other concepts that figure prominently into the digital publishing world, whether or not publishers realize it. But when it comes right down to it, we decided we should focus on what we really know. What we’re passionate about.

ReadSocial is launching soon.

Unofficial Epub LogoWe’ve made the first round of huge improvements on our recently released EPUB conversion API. Now you can upload either a plain HTML file or a Zip Archive and get back an EPUB with images, stylesheets and nested HTML or XML documents.

The converter also supports a host of new options including setting rights information, descriptions, language and more. Output is now nicely formatted by default, so you can more easily edit the results if you want. Image formats supported are JPEG, GIF, PNG and SWF. External CSS stylesheets are supported as well.